
作者: kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾風炭) 看板: StarCraft
標題: [心得] Artosis對蟲群之心的發言
時間: Sun Oct 21 10:14:08 2012



“Brood War changed StarCraft 1 completely. HotS is a glorified patch.”

BW從根本改變了SC1 蟲群之心只是個精緻的Patch

Lets talk specifically about PvT for a moment. PvT is the match up for
Protoss right now which is evolving the least slowly. While there are some
clever things going on, overall you will play a macro based Colossus style
with a couple of Forges at the top level. Not quite as much innovation going
on there as in the other Protoss match-ups at the moment.

首先來談談PvT吧。 目前來說PvT是神族戰術演進最慢的一個組合。雖然有些很

When HotS came out, there was this unit called the WarHound in it. Oh god, it
was craziness. This WarHound unit, it KILLED mechanical Protoss units,
especially in the early game! When I logged on, it didn’t take me long to
figure out that all my old Robotics openings didn’t work anymore. I played a
whole bunch, and started coming up with clever openings to adapt to this new
unit. I’m fairly certain that PvT was going to now switch over to StarGate
tech as the default opener. Totally cool, especially since the early game
defense given to you by the Mothership Core allowed you to do such a thing
without dying. Later into the game, I was experimenting with all sorts of
transitions against these new armies I was facing in PvT. Eventually, there
was some pretty sturdy early triple Robotics builds after StarGate openings,
totally new stuff, which was working the best. Really awesome and exciting


Sadly, the WarHound’s exact stats were not exactly where they should
theoretically be at. Of course, that seems reasonable, right? It was still
early on in the beta, and there are lots of factors to take into account to
tweak a unit just right. Didn’t matter. The community went into an uproar
about how terrible the WarHound was, how imbalanced it was, and how it would
single handedly destroy HotS and SC2.


Blizzard removed the WarHound. PvT went back much closer to normal. Now
people are extremely upset that the patch is lacking and not fun. That it
doesn’t change anything.


“Brood War completely changed StarCraft 1.”


Let’s talk a bit about what Brood War actually did.


StarCraft 1 Vanilla (without Brood War) is a completely imbalanced game.
Disgustingly imbalanced. Zerg just straight up wins. With no medics and no
Goliath Range, Terran is screwed. With no Corsairs (not to mention DTs),
Protoss is screwed as well.


We didn’t know this back then. People were absolutely terrible at RTS games
back then. Micro and Macro were just ideas. Timings, build orders, cost
efficiency…. all completely new and unmapped. Anyways, that stuff doesn’t
really matter either, because the tools simply were not there to make SC1
Vanilla balanced in the long term.


Brood War came in, and somehow gave us a set of units, that over time, would
end up allowing the game to be balanced. Did these units change the game?
Yes, of course. The DT, the Medic, and the Lurker were frightening new units
who made so many things different. But really, everything was becoming
different all the time, because we were all still learning how to play RTS
games properly.


Now remember a few paragraphs before how I said that Brood War gave us the
units which allowed the game to be balanced in the future? Here’s one
specific example of HotS doing this: The Tempest. Right now, super late game
PvZ is a problem. Take a look at Seed vs Symbol from the recent GSL games, or
Creator vs Curious from the recent WCS Asia Finals, to get an idea of
something that is likely to become a big problem over time. Carriers do not
cut it in SC2. They are a huge sink of resources, and in the mined out map
game, are not efficient enough. The Tempest gives us a real answer to work
with, costing nothing to engage away from the static defense and Infestors
which are becoming so standard in the later game. Blizzard is giving us a
tool to have balance in this unit. Yet many people hate the unit, and
complain about it constantly.

也有個類似的例子:暴風艦。目前,在超晚期的PvZ是有問題的。 Seed vs Symbol
最近在GSL的比賽,Creator vs Curious 在 WCS Asia 總決賽的的比賽,你可以

“Something about the way races are supposed to be, and how Protoss is a mere
shadow of its former self”


I’ve seen arguments and threads (especially when people were unhappy with
the power of Protoss in early HotS) about Protoss not being the race with big
heavy hitters like its supposed to be. WHAT? If you look at SC1, Terran was
the least mobile race, normally sitting around turtling nonstop, getting an
insanely good mech army up to fight against itself or Protoss. Hell, even
sometimes against Zerg. And even against Zerg, the overall standard was to
wait for a Science Vessel and 3 Tanks before really doing very much. Yet
people welcomed moving around the map all game with Marines and Marauders.
The Marauder has nothing to do with the “flavor” of what Terran was in SC1.


StarCraft 2’s future


People need to stop bandwagoning and jumping to conclusions. SC1 was 1 or 2
years old when BW was released. We now have almost 14 years of RTS experience
to work with. We are so much further ahead of where StarCraft 1 was when
Brood War was released in terms of understanding how to play RTS games, that
the only way to see game changing units is to make them insanely good like
the WarHound.

大家必須要停止這種選邊站然後直接跳到結論的爭吵。在BW上市之前,無印 SC1 已經

StarCraft 2 is in an amazing spot right now. It’s already entering that
phase that SC1 was in for the past several years, where each week or two
there are some slight variations to builds coming out, both because we are
learning how to play better, and because of the metagame shifting.


I am still very much looking forward to the actual release of HotS, so that
we can watch these new units get added into top level play, and watch the
ways they will effect the movements of the metagame.


I listened to people decreeing the end of SC1 from 2002 until 2010 (when the
SC2 Beta was finally released). They were all wrong, and anyone talking about
it now is wrong too. SC2 is the best damn game in the world. Its more
beautiful and complex than anything else being played at the moment. There is
absolutely no RTS game on the horizon which could possibly knock it off its



ψDeathDeath 這是我的鋼彈 這是我的意志 啊幹 有什麼武器可以用
我最了解它! 我非去不可! 別死啊 ......
┌─(0w0 )┐ ┌───┐┌────┐ ┌───┐┌────┐
┌─ V) )┐
不准去 => ╞ ( ) │ (0wξ )│ => ╞ ("0w0) │ (-wξ )│
┌─ < │┐
你會死的! │ (﹀Υ﹀Υ ㄏへ )│ │ (﹀Υ﹀Υ ㄏへ )│
┌───│┐ \(wQ ) │| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|───┘ │| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|───┘

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順便來個無關的預告: TotalBiscuit在TL論壇預告了

這個星期天Crank跟MMA會對包嫂做出正式的回應 而且是韓文跟英文都有的正式回應

※ 編輯: kira925 來自: (10/21 10:18)
capssan:我覺得暴風的射程在PvZ的後期是個可以做文章的地方 10/21 10:17
capssan:可是暴雪把它拔掉了 = = 10/21 10:17
capssan:還有這個星期天不就是今天嗎.. 10/21 10:18
accgh:我對預告比較有興趣XD 10/21 10:18
kira925:今天晚上的事情 10/21 10:19
ks823:BZ:你真是個很棒的主播,It's so cooooooooooooooooooooool. 10/21 10:19
kira925:他很小心地在處理這件事情 因為他不希望任何錯誤的翻譯 10/21 10:20
kira925:所以這會是一個官方正式的韓文跟英文聲明稿 10/21 10:21
ks823:回推原PO 10/21 10:21
mysterydream:翻譯:多出點IMBA種族!!!! 10/21 10:22
mysterydream: 兵種 10/21 10:22
kullan:先感謝翻譯 很期待那兩人的回應XD 10/21 10:22
GigiBuffon:他非常非常挺CRANK 那MMA呢? 10/21 10:22
kira925:他的意思確實是這樣 出些只能補強不足的單位是不會 10/21 10:23
kira925:去改變遊戲動態的 10/21 10:23
miha80425:現在就是欠缺各種魔法單位 P缺空軍魔法 10/21 10:23
kira925:Crank是他的隊員 MMA又不是TB旗下的選手 10/21 10:23
GigiBuffon:阿對吼= =+ 10/21 10:23
mysterydream:今天MMA要重現以往的逆勢反勝 10/21 10:23
kira925:份聲明會是MMA跟Crank的觀點出發的 10/21 10:23
miha80425:T的空軍魔法則是後期用處不大 EMP在地面上 太容易被巨象 10/21 10:24
miha80425:給橫掃 看太多比賽都是鬼子EMP操作非常的困難 10/21 10:24
kira925:渡鴉只是還沒被逼著去用罷了.... 10/21 10:25
miha80425:Z有大龍已經彌補了沒空軍魔法單位的弱勢點 10/21 10:25
kendiablo:與其怪人們會去反對新單位,不如檢討為何美術風格那麼差 10/21 10:26
kendiablo:加上單位又沒啥特殊性,純數據上的威 10/21 10:26
capssan:看來MMA根Crank是在鱉兵 馬上就要200人口a出來了 10/21 10:27
miha80425:渡鴉是非常耗瓦斯的單位 在T需要不斷甩的情況下 不可能 10/21 10:27
kendiablo:暴風艦就是SC1不要的大龍,拿來給P用簡直恥辱 10/21 10:27
miha80425:保存得很完整 飛彈距離也是相當短的 改長ZVT會很慘烈 10/21 10:28
kendiablo:外加還砍掉神族指標性單位航母,玩家不抱怨才怪 10/21 10:28
kira925:他現在應該是想說 不要單純抱怨新單位吧.... 10/21 10:29
※ 編輯: kira925 來自: (10/21 10:29)
capssan:抱怨新單位我們可以看看當初說要出火車的時候的情況 10/21 10:29
capssan:各種說火車比不上雷車 出來之後沒多久各種哭火車IMBA 10/21 10:29
capssan:反正沒有給職業選手認真玩過誰知道有沒有用 10/21 10:30
miha80425:航母沒砍好嗎 暴風現在已經不一樣了4人口 下修300/200 10/21 10:30
kendiablo:你問人族老玩家,你現在想要雷車還是火車? 10/21 10:30
miha80425:就戰略兵種來說過去6人口真的是太多了 10/21 10:31
kendiablo:我是在說當出砍掉的情形,弄得一堆人在抱怨 10/21 10:31
capssan:討論一堆沒用啦 高端認真玩下去你才知道怎麼用 10/21 10:32
momogo11:FORGG 10/21 10:36
A1pha:現在PVZ麻煩的是,Z後期根本不出大龍+感染, 10/21 10:58
A1pha:直接雙噴+飛莽+蓮藕蟲過來打你,風暴艦沒有出場的機會。 10/21 10:58
kira925:那就是飛蟒跟百生的威力阿 Artosis說的就是他想看到這種 10/21 10:59
kira925:東西 而不是固定的反正就大龍陣擺下去 10/21 11:00
kullan:總是要有一個像Scout一樣 拿來敗人品的兵種嘛~ 10/21 11:01
kendiablo:蓮藕真的太猛了..不像LK還要往前埋,想無OB電蓮藕都不行 10/21 11:02
kendiablo:有蓮藕在,一波基本都廢掉瞜 10/21 11:02
kira925:可以是可以 但是閃電沒一代夠力 OB又很容易死.... 10/21 11:07
jack19931993:暴風艦就是給你敗人品的啊 還會敗到輸 10/21 11:07
jack19931993:非常標準的敗人品單位 10/21 11:07
molok777:有母艦核心在,一波難度也變高了阿 10/21 11:07
kira925:還要再觀察看看 PvT當然是效果不佳 PvZ....或許能用 10/21 11:07
kira925:風暴打大龍是真的很給力 10/21 11:08
Woorissica:他當然要挺Crank阿 他投資Crank就是想靠他賺錢阿 10/21 11:10
kira925:樓上知道TB多有錢嗎.... 10/21 11:12
capssan:其實只能說戰術體系細節沒到而已 10/21 11:12
capssan:搞不好到時大家細節好了又回到大龍無恥猥瑣 暴風就當爹了 10/21 11:13
chiousun:artosis這個P蜜居然寫這種文章 XD 10/21 11:15
s921619:喔喔 星海人生的關鍵人物要出來了嗎???XDDD 10/21 11:15
maplenight:他只是單純喜歡SC2吧 10/21 11:16
Woorissica:這我倒是不知道 他是像FXO老闆那種嗎? 10/21 11:21
capssan:其實能看到PvZ出現不同兵種才是BZ想看到的 10/21 11:21
capssan:如果真的打到蟲心還是大龍感染 BZ大概會想死吧 10/21 11:21
momogo11:SC2是很好玩阿 就是難學= = 10/21 11:22
momogo11:如果沒有反制單位 Z應該還是會繼續爽爽大龍感染A過去 10/21 11:23
capssan:SC2的起手真的很難 可是我覺得學習倒不難 10/21 11:23
kira925:TB是著名的解說員 他自己開公司在賺錢的 10/21 11:23
capssan:最多也就打三個種族對抗 怎麼學應該都比DOTA快吧 =.= 10/21 11:24
momogo11:變化操控 麻煩多了阿 10/21 11:24
chiousun:TB是主要是靠youtube賺錢的 差FXO老闆很多很多... 10/21 11:25
chiousun:而且有不有錢跟想不想賺錢根本沒關係XD 10/21 11:25
momogo11:DOTA我是覺得隊友真的很重要XD 10/21 11:26
kira925:當然是沒FXO老闆那麼佛 不過也是目前電競的幾個重要人物 10/21 11:26
capssan:我自己覺得DOTA變化太多了啦XD 別說對線的 5*5變化太多了 10/21 11:26
capssan:SC2變化就那三種 怎麼打都脫離不了那幾種打法 10/21 11:26
catwei:他說的實在沒甚麼重點 10/21 11:28
chiousun:他會挺Crank跟聲望也很有關係吧 自己創個戰隊招的第一個 10/21 11:28
chiousun:招的選手當然要挺 10/21 11:29
capssan:反正看聲明才知道他挺的有沒有道理囉 10/21 11:29
capssan:而且我相信包嫂馬上就會還手 顆顆顆 10/21 11:30
capssan:包嫂說不定已經在她家門口埋好雷就等他出門了 10/21 11:30
kira925:那就等著看瞜... 10/21 11:33
okcall:Artosis寫這篇文章應該很糾結 他那麼喜歡神族還要誇戰犬XD 10/21 11:34
momogo11:翻盤小王子會翻盤嗎 10/21 11:34
chogosu:starcraft沒有bw的話Z真的超級imba 10/21 11:42
mfch:都說不要選邊站然後再加以詮釋事情了 說artosis是P蜜還好意思 10/21 12:05
darksign:第一句翻錯了...glorified patch是在酸這個expansion只是 10/21 12:05
darksign:個做的比較精緻的patch而已 10/21 12:05
mfch:發言來凸顯自己眼光之狹隘喔 真沒自知之明 10/21 12:05
kira925:原來如此.... 10/21 12:05
※ 編輯: kira925 來自: (10/21 12:06)
ATXATX:我也覺得有些單位在戰術還沒演變到可以抗衡他的時候就被先n 10/21 12:06
mfch:當初一堆不知道自己理解不好控兵不好的人也在哭么鳳凰加射程 10/21 12:08
mfch:imba 像kespa剛轉sc2好幾個選手都知道自己遊戲理解不夠所以不 10/21 12:09
mfch:對單位或戰術imba發表評論 一堆沒自知之明的鍵宗卻很愛哭么 10/21 12:10
ted10:翻的很精確 感謝翻譯 10/21 12:48
※ 編輯: kira925 來自: (10/21 12:52)
Asty:期待+1 10/21 13:01
mioaria:感謝翻譯!!! 期待預告XDD 10/21 13:04
hydexhyde:中肯推 10/21 13:08
finaltrial:推! 10/21 13:10
lukenming:看了一下Artosis其他文章 發現他有介紹中國選手 10/21 13:17
lukenming:其中 F91: A dastardly Zerg in SC1 一個卑鄙的蟲族XDDD 10/21 13:17
hahahaha5438:91:哥是打智商的好嗎 10/21 13:19
damnedfish:短期內沒有任何RTS能幹掉sc2沒錯 10/21 14:04
hn85017889:最後一段沒啥問題阿,他有強調RTS的話,SC2毫無對手 10/21 14:04
DennyCrane:推Artosis 10/21 14:07
wtao:進兩年確實沒有啥RST 或 戰略遊戲 比SC好 10/21 14:09
LOKI930351:暴風鑑能狙擊大龍感染解大後期,還能防媽媽傳被督 10/21 14:30
LOKI930351:然後鄉民狂喊沒用 10/21 14:31
Sechslee:本來就需要強大到能改變生態的兵種 但不能是無敵或無腦的 10/21 14:31
Sechslee:BW的新兵種哪一個是狂出A過去就能贏? 沒有吧 10/21 14:32
Sechslee:可是戰犬根本不是這樣 10/21 14:33
maplenight:那是反制的打法還沒出現吧,只是BETA而已 10/21 14:53
VirgilDu:中肯推 10/21 15:16
capssan:試想暴風那射程 以現在PvZ後期來說 那真的是很煩的 10/21 15:29
capssan:遠遠的就偷射你幾下 射到Z不爽就A了 10/21 15:30
capssan:只是現在戰術體系還沒完善到那個地步而已 10/21 15:30
capssan:以前誰活的到大後期 不是被P兩礦一波打死就是被Z莽夫淹死 10/21 15:30
capssan:現在為什麼這麼多大後期 就是因為大家細節都越來越好了 10/21 15:31
allenwangs:推 10/21 15:34
kira925:戰犬被拿掉還是因為全面過度,但我現在也希望加回來了 10/21 15:58
winklly:身為一個T只想問 T真的就這樣少一個新兵種喔... 10/21 16:46
monemama1979:戰犬被砍掉,請去找四哥理論 10/21 16:51
monemama1979:罪魁禍首關鍵 10/21 16:51
wtao:來個單位跟SCV和體吧!!(誤 10/21 17:03

    創作者 星海爭霸王者 的頭像


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